Ejaz Malik: An Island in the immense Sea of Darkness

Ejaz Malik: An Island in the immense Sea of Darkness

Oct 16, 2023


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Deedbanmagazine,20 and 21

Ejaz Malik: An Island in the immense Sea of Darkness

By: Khalid Saeed

Sculpture is perhaps one of the oldest forms of Fine Arts. Venus of Willendorf is its best example. The Nameless, Faceless and Shameless, statue of an ageless woman with exaggerated genitals and other body parts. This pre-historic paleolithic work of Art is interpreted in different ways, but in my humble opinion it represents the dealienated existence of the primitive artists. An effort through which individuals comes into harmony with nature and dissolve the dichotomy between mind and body. We can also observe the phenomenon in the sculpture and other art forms of ancient civilization Mesopotamia Egypt, MohijoDaro, Harapa and other extinct cities. Greek Archaic and classical period excelled in sculpture and painting, Artists of great Golden period of Greece time. Myron and Polyclitus outlined the principles of symmetry, proportion, harmony and balance for sculpture. Art was formalized and that tradition was followed by the Romans.

The fall of Roman Empire gave birth to the ruthless holy ages of darkness that was known for its intolerance, dogmatism and religious and sectarian extremism. It reached its peak in eight holy crusades which paradoxically sowed the seeds of enlightenment in Europe, which is reflected in hope and creativity in the realm of new Rationality, Science and Arts. Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, Cervantes, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Galileo represent the dominant discourse of enlightenment of Modernism of this time, which in a way is a kind of revival of golden Greek era. The distinguishing feature of Literature and Art is the harmony between image and concept. Contribution from Marx and Freud played the role of post-modernism and post-structuralism that encouraged radical relativism and a pluralistic reflected in the work of people like Dali and many others. Advancements in technology and the emergence of the virtual world separated the concept with image. It is the discourse dominated by headless body. It is the birth of New Dark Ages that is solely concerned with consumption, everything is commercialized. Marke is what determines the ultimate value, even great work of Arts are being commercialized. There is NO HOPE, MAN IS NO MORE. The measure of everything, no possibility for any change or revolution that beautify the world, even the work of Art in the words of Herbert Marcuse is nothing, but repressive desublimation.

Ejaz Malik is presenting his works of Art in the dawn of New Dark Ages of what we may call “Post PostPost Modernism, born at the wrong place and time, still paradoxically he has advantage of being benefited by a very rich ancient Indus valley civilization.He is not formally trained in any Art institution, but got his inspiration from great work of Arts by great masters like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and many others. A self-taught artist made his creative expression in one of the most difficult and controversial Art form that is Sculpture.

He has taken up a very challenging task of projecting such towering complex personalities like Rabindranath Tagore, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Ghalib, Manto, Mubarak Ali and Sadequain. In his craft successfully welded the image with a concept which has become such a rarity in our age and space. All above mentioned personalities transcend their time and Art to secure island of enlightenment in this immense sea of darkness. Ejaz Malik and his Art is also an effort to come in harmony with nature. We need not conquer the nature, but we are trapped in a world in which we are alienated from nature, society and even from his/her self. His artistic endeavor is a search for authentic existence, and it is through these works of art that we can learn to beautify things in and around us. A true spirituality that need, NO BOUNDRIES.

Deedbanmagazine,20 and 21

Ejaz Malik: An Island in the immense Sea of Darkness

By: Khalid Saeed

Sculpture is perhaps one of the oldest forms of Fine Arts. Venus of Willendorf is its best example. The Nameless, Faceless and Shameless, statue of an ageless woman with exaggerated genitals and other body parts. This pre-historic paleolithic work of Art is interpreted in different ways, but in my humble opinion it represents the dealienated existence of the primitive artists. An effort through which individuals comes into harmony with nature and dissolve the dichotomy between mind and body. We can also observe the phenomenon in the sculpture and other art forms of ancient civilization Mesopotamia Egypt, MohijoDaro, Harapa and other extinct cities. Greek Archaic and classical period excelled in sculpture and painting, Artists of great Golden period of Greece time. Myron and Polyclitus outlined the principles of symmetry, proportion, harmony and balance for sculpture. Art was formalized and that tradition was followed by the Romans.

The fall of Roman Empire gave birth to the ruthless holy ages of darkness that was known for its intolerance, dogmatism and religious and sectarian extremism. It reached its peak in eight holy crusades which paradoxically sowed the seeds of enlightenment in Europe, which is reflected in hope and creativity in the realm of new Rationality, Science and Arts. Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, Cervantes, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Galileo represent the dominant discourse of enlightenment of Modernism of this time, which in a way is a kind of revival of golden Greek era. The distinguishing feature of Literature and Art is the harmony between image and concept. Contribution from Marx and Freud played the role of post-modernism and post-structuralism that encouraged radical relativism and a pluralistic reflected in the work of people like Dali and many others. Advancements in technology and the emergence of the virtual world separated the concept with image. It is the discourse dominated by headless body. It is the birth of New Dark Ages that is solely concerned with consumption, everything is commercialized. Marke is what determines the ultimate value, even great work of Arts are being commercialized. There is NO HOPE, MAN IS NO MORE. The measure of everything, no possibility for any change or revolution that beautify the world, even the work of Art in the words of Herbert Marcuse is nothing, but repressive desublimation.

Ejaz Malik is presenting his works of Art in the dawn of New Dark Ages of what we may call “Post PostPost Modernism, born at the wrong place and time, still paradoxically he has advantage of being benefited by a very rich ancient Indus valley civilization.He is not formally trained in any Art institution, but got his inspiration from great work of Arts by great masters like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and many others. A self-taught artist made his creative expression in one of the most difficult and controversial Art form that is Sculpture.

He has taken up a very challenging task of projecting such towering complex personalities like Rabindranath Tagore, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Ghalib, Manto, Mubarak Ali and Sadequain. In his craft successfully welded the image with a concept which has become such a rarity in our age and space. All above mentioned personalities transcend their time and Art to secure island of enlightenment in this immense sea of darkness. Ejaz Malik and his Art is also an effort to come in harmony with nature. We need not conquer the nature, but we are trapped in a world in which we are alienated from nature, society and even from his/her self. His artistic endeavor is a search for authentic existence, and it is through these works of art that we can learn to beautify things in and around us. A true spirituality that need, NO BOUNDRIES.



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